Shakespeare Club 171 S Grand Ave, Pasadena, CA 91105
100th Birthday Celebration
“Living life,
really living life
and acknowledging this achievement
while the celebrant can receive your kind words,
is an opportunity that should not be missed.
We all can learn a lot
from celebrating a life well-lived…”
“Birds of a Feather Flock Together”
It takes one to know one. Creative people gather and work well together. They participate in clubs and associations and find satisfaction in helping and making a difference. This “coming together” unites members in a common purpose. Energy is focused. Intended goals are achieved. Big effects are created and everyone in that group is proud of their accomplishment :-)
The philanthropic programs and cultural outreach enriching the community are the hallmark of the Shakespeare Club. Our birthday celebrant recognizes the good the Shakespeare Club is doing and supports these efforts.
Thank you to Janet Beggs past president of the Shakespeare Club for the opportunity to be a part of this inspiring event.
Here are links to some very memorable events at the Shakespeare Club that I have had the pleasure of participating in.
Accordion and Piano
Comedy @ The Shakespeare Club
The above video is an excerpt from the 2022 Pasadena Follies at the Shakespeare Club.
Please watch and have a laugh.
Retirement Party @ The Shakespeare Club
Retirement Party @ The Shakespeare Club.
Wedding & Event Podcast Episode 58
Music for an Event – Factors to Consider:
- Vision of the Celebrant…
- The vision of the Host…
- The occasion being celebrated…
- The theme of the event…
- Design…
These and many other factors are considered when planning music for an event. Add to this the itinerary, announcements and presentation.
For me, it’s a lot of fun to talk about music and to be a part of putting it all together.
I look forward to hearing your ideas for your celebration :-)
Sincerely, Eric Zimmermann
Elegant Music 323-270-3650