Wedding Japanese Garden Langham Huntington Hotel Pasadena, CA

The Japanese Garden @ the Langham Huntington Hotel is a private setting for wedding ceremonies located in Pasadena, CA. Elegant Music ensembles have been performing here since 1990.
Choosing music for a wedding ceremony includes choosing the instrumentation you like and also choosing the songs you would like to be performed.
Elegant Music offers a variety of live music ensembles performing a large repertoire of popular contemporary music and traditional music for weddings.
Elegant Music also provides DJ Dance Music and Professional Announding for weddings and parties. See the following links.

Elegant Music Services:
- Live Music Duos, Trios, Quartets and talented Soloists. Classical Ensembles, Jazz Trios and Live Bands. See:Elegant Music Quartet video sampler.
- DJ Dance Music. DJ for Weddings and Parties. See: DJ Dance Floor Surround Sound Video
- Professional Announcing. Master of Ceremonies. See: “Welcome to Elegant Music” video and “How To Tie A Bow Tie” video.
Elegant Music is conveniently located close to the Langham (just up the hill) in Altadena.
Elegant Music 3190 Crestford Drive, Altadena, CA. 91001 PH: 626-797-1795
Sincerely, Eric Zimmermann Elegant Music 323-270-3650
Host of Wedding and Event Podcast