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In addition to a busy performing schedule as a Pianist, Band Leader and DJ/Master of Ceremonies, Los Angeles offers the unique opportunity for me to apply myself in the field of commercial acting; this is working out well. This issue is about a recent shoot.
Dramatic location
Pike’s Peak; beautiful location, however, filming had been interrupted by severe winds, snow and lightning storms. Along with colorful stories about the mountain, locals joke, “if you don’t like the weather here, wait 15 minutes, it will be completely different.”

Base camp was at 11,000 feet, elevation sickness was taking its toll so much so that they had to send out to replace staff. I ate a lot (great food) and drank a lot of water and so I was OK.
Day 2 we filmed at the top (14,110 feet) and I quickly found out “Elevation Sickness” is cured by “Hypothermia.”
Inspired Actors Capturing The Sunset
I worked with some amazing actors from Denver many of them kindred spirits trained in Theater Improvisation: Matthew Taylor, Dixon White, Abraham Willock, Marty Lindsay, Joseph Wolf Phillips, Chris Trent and Cindy Laudadio.
Freezing temperatures mattered little to Director Ivan Zacharias and Director of Photography Adam Kimmel who started at 4:45 AM every morning working nonstop all day. I learned so much watching them work together. We were freezing our butts off but at the same time were caught up by the creativity these gentlemen exhibited; they inspired everyone in the crew.
Sunset Above The Clouds
The commercial is out and now I can say what we were shooting: “To The Top” 2014 Range Rover. Spectacular location, state of the art equipment and the veritable army of specialists assembled it is an impressive commercial.
Click on “To The Top” 2014 Range Rover commercial.
Eric Zimmermann DJ/Master of Ceremonies, Pianist, Band Leader and Actor. Elegant Music 626-797-1795
PS: Now that the commercial is out I can say that it was for the 2014 Range Rover. Click on the link to see the commercial.