Experienced parents say that “kids grow up fast.” Having 2 of my own I have learned just how true this is and have vowed to never let them out of my sight; I think they grow up when I’m not looking.
Congratulations Mr. Nunez! Picture by Alex Lake Photography
The Father Daughter Dance
Sure, a wedding is a big deal for a couple but consider the parents. The anticipation, the concern, the utter joy that the parents of the bride and groom experience. An emotional roller coaster eclipsed only by the sigh of relief and sense of accomplishment experienced after the presentation of the couple as husband and wife. It is a triumph!
Dance with your baby!
A wedding is often a formal affair and sometimes kids are not invited; it gives parents a night out with dinner and dancing away from the kids and this sometimes is greatly appreciated.
Dance With Your Baby!
As a DJ when whole families are invited to weddings (kids too) I suggest that after the Father Daughter Dance / Mother Son Dance that we open the dance floor to everyone with a child. I call it “Dance With Your Baby.” Of course mothers and sons, fathers and daughters can join in on the dance floor but also I encourage aunts to dance with nephews, uncles to dance with nieces. And grand parents can dance with anyone they want!
This fills the dance floor and easily segues to open dancing.
Kids love to dance and always get the party started.
Father Daughter Dinner Dance
Other opportunities for fathers and daughters to get dressed up nicely and go out are sponsored by private organizations holding special events. Traditionally these are The Cotillion or Debutante Ball and the Father Daughter Dinner Dance. These provide the unique opportunity for fathers and daughters to “cut a rug” together.
Here are some father daughter dance music suggestions:
I Loved Her First, Heart Land
What a Wonderful World, Louis Armstrong
Too Marvelous for Words, Sinatra
My Girl, Temptations
Daughters, John Mayer
Just The Way You Look Tonight, Sinatra
Cinderella, Steven Curtis Chapman
Butterfly Kisses, Lee Greenwood
Here are some suggested songs for “Dance With Your Baby:”
Baby Baby, Amy Grant
The Way You Do The Things You Do, Marvin Gaye
Sugar Sugar, The Archies
Good Feeling, Flo Rida
You Make My Dreams Come True, Hall & Oats
Everything, Michael Bubble
Best Day of My Life, American Authors
Who Let The Dogs Out?, Baha Men
I like to Move It, Reel 2 Real

Sincerely, Eric Zimmermann Elegant Music 323-270-3650