Many things came together to make this an amazing wedding. Everyone had a great time!
It was fun for me to look for the prime factor contributing to its success. Actually it wasn’t hard to find, it was staring me in the face as I edited this video.
DJ Dance Floor Surround Sound
The bride and her groom are both artists and performers. Very creative individuals who made excellent choices. For her wedding reception the bride chose Elegant Music Dance Floor Surround Sound a four speaker setup. Speakers are placed at each corner of the dance floor facing inward toward dancers away from seated guests. Sound is focused on the dance floor where it should be. Dancers can dance and seated guests can talk.
Though very effective I can’t say that dance floor surround sound was the only factor contributing to the success of this wedding.
Swing Dance Lessons
The bride made arrangements for guests to receive swing dance lessons during the cocktail hour. A great idea. But was this the only factor that contributed to an amazing evening?
There was a beautiful checker dance floor and overhead lighting, another great idea! But was this the primary factor in the success of this event?
The bride and her father love to dance. The guests love to dance. They brought lots of kids and kids will dance to anything! Frankly I think the father of the bride was the biggest kid on the dance floor!
The Successful Wedding
I can say, that a valuable gift was brought by each and every person who attended this wedding. I can say with certainty that it was the guests themselves. Their fun loving attitude contributed immeasurably to this celebration.
It was their presence that was the primary factor in the success of this event.
Many factors came together beautifully. At the end of the evening the father of the bride and I discussed this and we agreed that “The whole was certainly greater than the sum if its parts.”
It all started with 2 people deciding to get married. They invited people who enjoy the company of each other and who know how to have a good time!
The success of this wedding was a group effort.
A sincere congratulations to Brigit and Erick! Thank you for bringing us all together. And congratulations to their families and friends who contributed to this beautiful wedding and to a great party!
Sincerely, Eric Zimmermann
Elegant Music 626-797-1795